About This Blog

Each Day I wake up with the aim of doing many things. Love God, Love my Husband, be Super Mom, enjoy the many blessings I have been given and Satisfy my craving to do more while spending less. I hope to share some of these adventures with you. If there is one theme that runs through my life so far it is that everyone always says, "wow, you can always find a deal!" It goes with my philosophy that anything is possible, if you just hunt long enough for the right buy. With feeding and entertaining a large family comes stretching a household budget and I want to share the tricks that work for me but also hear about what works for you. I want us to share recipes, Mommy tips, party planning tips, date night ideas and so much more. I am not the only Mom who wakes up each day taking on the world. Keep it positive, keep it fun and at the end of the day we will all be one step closer to satisfing our Savin Kravin.